I was sitting on a bench when a woman wearing a three-piece suit walked up to me and shouted at me.
I did not hear what she cried, I was amazed by her clothing, it was so well made, it was so thick, it could stop bullets, I was sure.
She repeated what she had said, I was amazed by her voice, just like in an old film.
She repeated what she had said. She told me how bad my life was. She said that I was wasting my life, I could do better things, I could learn a trade, I could get a job, I would have a better life. If only I would go with her – then I would learn the right way and have a better life.
I was convinced. I was sure. I knew what I wanted. I stayed where I was.
She repeated what she had said.
Oh, well! I give up! You cannot be helped. I must try somewhere else.
She turned, walked away, perhaps three steps, she turned and walked back.
Why am I doing this?
She turned, walked away, perhaps three steps, she turned and walked back.
Why am I doing this? You have some strange power over me. You are evil. You want to do evil things with me. I am just a woman. You want to take me into those woods and do evil things with me.
No, I said, we're going shopping.
We drove to the shopping mall on the other side of town. She bought clothes for me – I showed her what to buy. She bought clothes for herself – I showed her what to buy. She bought food – I showed her what to buy.
She drove to her place and I cooked dinner.
The next day she came back from the office...
All the men in the office were looking at me, one even said that I looked good, this has never happened before.
I cooked dinner.
Time went by.
The next day she came back from the office...
All the men in the office were looking at me, one even asked for a date, this has never happened before.
I cooked dinner.
Time went by, as I have said before.
One evening, it was a beef stroganoff evening, she came home with a man about her age. They sat at the table laid for two, I lit the two candles and served the strog and left.
You think that I know women. How can that be? I am only a man named b.