I had sex with a boy for the first time yesterday. I've been thinking about it. Here are my thoughts about it, in no particular order.
I liked it. I want to do it again.
I have worth. I have value.
No, I don't mean you can buy me. I mean that I am important, I have importance. I don't know how to measure it.
All the things the teachers tell us at school are wrong.
The teachers tell us that we are worthless, we are nothing. There are only a few who are important. They are the heroes.
The teachers tell us that we must follow the rules. Only the heroes can break the rules, perhaps because they are important.
The heroes of the teachers are not my heroes.
I don't need heroes.
All the things the teachers tell us at school are wrong. We are not worthless. We won't follow their rules. We don't want their heroes.
I must leave school. I must educate myself. How I do this I do not know.
I am self-centred. Humans are self-centred.
Some other cultures on this planet probably think that I am too self-centred, especially as I am female.
The boy was not very good. I must find another boy.