learning English

An offcut from the Story Kettle

StoryKettle » Offcuts » learning English

Copyright © 2008, Michael M Wayman

Are you learning English?

Do you live in Europe? Do you want to learn British English?

Do you live in the Americas? Do you want to speak to Americans?
Do you want to learn American English?

Does your school, college, company or university have a language lab?

There some easy to read stories on this website. Try the short stories at Shorts

Do you want to learn English from the BBC? BBC – Learning English

Do you want to learn English from the British Council? British Council – LearnEnglish

Or try the web. Google these words:

learning English
learn English
learn English online
English lessons
English language
English language learning
English language school
learn English free
free English lessons

Another reason to learn English!

how not to learn English 1 and English 2