
I have blown them up a bit.

StoryKettle » Notes » icons

Copyright © 2007, Michael M Wayman

Icons are little pictures. I use a few to indicate extra information in this website. They were crudely built with GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) and mostly in GIF-Format. I have blown them up a bit and show them below.

The icons will change in the future and therefore this page too. The website will expand and hopefully my drawing skills will improve. See also red buttons.

home icon This is the Story Kettle icon. Click on the black kettle at the top left of every page to reach the home page. However there is a black kettle at the top left of the home page.
favicon The favicon (favourite icon in MS-ICO-format) is the buggered little kettle that identifies this website; it appears before the address of each page and in your list of favourites/bookmarks.
apple-touch-icon This icon (apple-touch-icon in PNG-format) is based on the Story Kettle icon and is used by iPhones and iPods etc.
Belgian flag The Belgian flag indicates something in the Belgian language, see Belgian flag.
cookery spoon The spoon indicates a recipe or a cooking tip.
long f The long tailed f is dedicated to someone I hold dear. Tears.
I had to reduce the size of the RC icon and keep it in place with a special HTML-tag. It just splashes across the whole of the screen and onto the wall behind and drips into your keyboard. However you won't see it unless you are totally RC.
WARNING: it can cause epicyclic fits.