“But it doesn’t have any wheels.”
I had asked: Do you want to try a ride in my snide?
“It doesn’t need wheels.”
“I don’t understand…”
“You don’t have to understand. I’ll explain…”
“The snide sits on a thick sheet of metal, the so-called scraper plate. It produces the snid radiation which makes the ground under the snide very hard and attracts the scraper plate very hard. You can’t move the snide when the snide is parked.”
“So, how does it move? you ask. The snide modulates the snid radiation field which causes the snide to move a bit. The modulation changes at high speed and the snide moves – easy really.”
“And how fast can it go?”
“900 kph or more, but most snides are limited to 200 kph. It is powered by a small thorium device.”
“What does SNIDE stand for?”
“Unwheeled-Rapid-Transport, you know.”