I wrote a story about eating animals and updated my address list.
Spent Xmas in hospital for the second time in my life (not last week).
I’ve eaten more oranges than I can remember: very small, thin-skinned, blood oranges and also very big ones. I peel them with a thumb or a knife. The doctor said that I should drink orange juice with my iron tablets, but I don’t like orange juice: too sweet and too sour.
I made a big chilli con carne with pig-meat in little pieces.
I wrote this silly piece with letters with a few gaps between them.
Did some gardening, but had to give up with exhaustion.
Ate some white chocolate that did not remind me of pets.
Wrote about an old horse.
I had pancakes on Shrove Wednesday.
Talked to my siblings on the big white TV.
Updated my offcuts page.
Started a book list as an idea for Xmas presents for my nieces and nephews: a box of books for my nieces and nephews. Instructions:
I liked these books, I read them, I saw them in theatre, on TV or at the cinema. Take a book or three – Happy Xmas!