Mary’s mother was grumpy, she was always grumpy. She was especially negative about her walking stick, it was ugly, she could walk better without it, she wasn’t born with a walking stick, and she was forced to use it. And so on and so on.
It wasn’t ugly, maybe it wasn’t beautiful, but it wasn’t ugly. I explained, it wasn’t negative, that it wasn’t negative to use a walking stick. Without the stick she couldn’t walk more than three steps. It was a good thing, it helped her to walk, maybe she couldn’t walk as good as before.
I explained that people who couldn’t walk were stuck in bed. And what happened to people who were always in bed? They got bed sores. They snuffed it. Thus walking was a good thing; and anything that aided walking was good.
“So don’t be so negative about your walking stick. It helps you to walk. Your walking stick is a good thing. Keep mobile!”
“So be positive! Be positive about your walking stick!”
However I’m sure she will find something else to be negative about.